Lynch Electrical
Lynch Electrical is an Electrical Contracting business that offers a full electrical service in both the domestic and commercial sector. Based in the Northwest and covering everywhere from Donegal to mid Ulster we also travel further afield if needs be. Portable Appliance Testing In Service Inspection & Testing of Electrical Equipment (referred to as PAT Testing) is a process by which electrical appliances in an organisation are checked to see if they are safe. Testing includes a thorough visual inspection of the appliance before a series of electrical tests are performed.
All our tests are carried out on the latest Seaward PAT tester the ‘Prime Test 350’ which ensures accurate, fast and efficient testing.We follow a testing procedure designed to thoroughly test the safety of all your appliances. Our procedure wholly conforms to the code of practice laid out by the The Institute of Engineering and Technology (The IET) - the standards body responsible for PAT testing.